Sunday, April 20, 2014

It's Spring....FINALLY!

Yeah...I know spring actually started back in March.  But it actually FEELS like Spring now!  I have gotten sunburned at the park and spent evenings sitting outside while my boys play.  It's AHHHH-Mazing.  Oh how I have missed the kids playing outside.  We have spent the entire winter cooped up in this house and passing germs, from whatever virus is circulating, back and forth. We were in dire need of some fresh air!   I am loving this weather and so are my boys.

 We found out a couple of weeks ago that we will be adding another little boy to our family! If your on my fb then you probably already knew ;) I am so excited about having a house full of boys!  My hubby really wanted a little girl and both the boys wanted a sister.  But God has blessed us with this amazing little boy and I couldn't be happier.  The ultrasound was so amazing.  It wasn't a medical one, so they didn't do any measurements or tell me he looked perfect or anything along those lines.  But seeing him just melted my heart.  Even at 15 weeks, when he looks a little alien-ish, he was just so perfect to me.

So now I get to start planning everything for this little guy.  We have a lot of organizing and moving of furniture to get done before September.

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