Friday, March 21, 2014

Pink or Blue?!

No...I don't know the gender of this baby yet. I just wanted you to open this and read it.  I have been asked so many times during this pregnancy if I want a boy or girl.  I always hesitate on answering.  Is there a part of me that secretly longs for dance classes and gymnastics? Is there a feeling that I am missing out on something great by not purchasing head bands with flowers the size of a basketball? I would lie if I said no.  There is a part of me that longs to have a little girl...I mean who doesn't LOVE the disney princess movies? But (there's always a but) I don't want to 'hope' for one gender over the other.

The baby that is growing inside of me is perfect.  It doesn't matter what gender it is.  It's my baby and I already love it for whatever it turns out to be.  I have said many times that I never want to feel disappointed in the gender of my kids.  I never want to hear 'It's a....' and feel disappointment.  God is blessing me with this amazing little life to watch grow and love on.  Boy or doesn't matter to me.  The only thing I pray for is the health of this baby.  Every day that I am allowed to carry this little life is a blessing.

'Be truly glad.  There is wonderful joy ahead.' 
1 Peter 1:6

1 comment:

  1. I know the Lord will bless you and Dustin with another precious little angel! I pray that you have a great pregnancy and easy delivery!!!! (((Hugs))) & ---Love--- my friend!
