But seriously, summer is exciting! I get to sleep in...the kids get to
He has had a good Kindergarten year. It hasn't been perfect. I have gotten a few phone calls, emails and letters home. But for the most part....it's been a really great year. I wish I could say that I was that super over achiever mom who went to every party and school function. I'm so not. I missed the open house for his class, therefore missing ALL the information about the parties. Open house was before school even started and all the parties were already planned and people signed up then to bring food and all. So I heard about the parties in the monthly letter home...after they already happened. <supermom> I also only attended a few school functions. I barely made it to the Mother's Day Tea, because my invitation somehow was sent to Jeff Gordon. I'm serious. The entire class made these over the top elaborate invites to their moms for this tea party thing. My sweet child never brought mine home. He didn't write 'Mommy' on the outside of the envelope...nope he didn't invite the one person who carried him for 9 long months and let him bounce on my bladder. He wrote Jeff Gordon on the outside. I still have no idea where that invite went. For all I know he stuck it in the mail box and the mail lady got a good laugh! I found out via text message from one of the moms who DID attend the open house, asking if I was going. Apparently this Mothers Day thing is a BIG DEAL! So I went...and when I realized all these sweet kids wrote books about their moms and they were going to be read aloud...sheer panic. I'm not kidding I started sweating. What had he wrote about me?! He was so excited that I was there, he didn't even notice that Jeff Gordon was absent. All the other kids wrote these adorable books about how their moms tuck them in every night, read them a story or my personal favorite 'My mom is OSOME.' <----Yep that's some awesome 6 year old spelling. Dude, it sounds like that...it should be spelled like it. If not for spell checker most of my words would be like that! The teacher had Eli read like at the very end...you know to add to the suspense of what he had put in that book about me. I mean I am sure I was like pale and shaking when he stepped up the microphone. It started out innocent enough. He said I liked purple....and pink and red. And that I liked to eat pickles...and then...My mommy LOVES to lay in the bed! I am sure my face turned 1,000 shades of red. Because what he neglected to add was that 'My mommy has been puking her guts out for 5 months because she is pregnant with my baby brother.' That would have went nicely after that sentence.
So, we are nearing the end and I kept getting these little green papers home in his folder asking for volunteers for field day. One of the jobs was to pull around a cart full of water for the duration of the day. Um...let me think about that...NO THANKS. I didn't sign up for anything. And then Eli started talking about field day. It started out as 'I don't want to go to field day.' It then quickly escalated to 'I'm NOT GOING to field day!" I asked him why he didn't want to go and he looked at me like I was an idiot, "It's an ENTIRE day of PE, mommy! It is going to be AWFUL." I mean I couldn't really argue with him, staying outside in the hot sun running and sweating...it's not my cup of tea either. But I tried to make it sound fun, there was going to be inflatables! That didn't really appeal to him, all he kept saying was 'there's a race they are MAKING ME DO!' This is where my therapy training kicks in, all the therapists are always giving me tips for him. So, I took a deep breath and told him that we all have to do things that we don't really want to do. It's part of life...and that just sends him into hysterics. He starts 'PLEASE don't make me go!!! Can't you pick me up!?!' Well, technically I could after 11:46, but your class is doing the very first half of the day so it wouldn't help. Lucky for him, he spiked a fever this evening. Field day is tomorrow! He was so excited to be sick, until he actually started feeling really bad once his fever escalated to 101.3. But he still remained optimistic muttering 'at least I get to miss field day!' I have to admit I am relieved too.
Bring it on Summer....
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