I am so thankful to be into this trimester! I must admit this whole 3rd trimester really came up quick. Things have been going really great on the baby growing front. My belly is growing every week. My heartburn seems to have calmed down as long as I don't eat huge meals at one time. The only real complaint I have right now is the hip pain. My hips feel like they may fall off at any given moment. It's worse at night when I try to sleep. But compared to the horrible symptoms of the 1st trimester...this is a walk in the park!

We did the 3D ultrasounds with both of our boys, so I thought we should do one this time. I went back and forth on whether or not we should do it. I finally made our appointment and we went to it today. I have been dying to see this little guy's face. And I mean who doesn't love an ultrasound?! We went after my regular doctors appointment. I had the glucose test this morning, and had not ate much at all, so by the time we got to the ultrasound place I was so hungry. Warren was pretty lazy and not amused by our attempts at getting a picture of him. He kept trying to turn over and go to sleep. He also kept putting his hands up in his face. But we finally mashed him enough to get him to cooperate a little! And he is such a cute little boy! I see a lot of his brothers' features in him. But I mostly see Eli in him. It's pretty amazing to see such similarities between the 3 of them.
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