Friday, February 7, 2014

Pregnancy Week # ?????

I am so confused on what week of pregnancy I am on. According to all the cute little tickers I should be on my 7th week. But my last ultrasound was iffy on the dates. So I won't really know until my next appointment. It's a little frustrating to say the least. But this post is not about that. It is more about how miserable I feel right now. I know .... I shouldn't complain.  All of these hellish I mean wonderful symptoms are a good sign of a healthy pregnancy.  But I feel absolutely horrible. I feel like a wimp. I mean this isn't my first pregnancy. I have done this before...several times before. This is my 5th pregnancy....FIVE.  I should not be this phased by these crazy hormones.  But I am.  I am so sick. I am so emotional...I find myself getting absolutely furious over the craziest things.  I am in a constant annoyed state of my messy house, but I feel too bad to actually do anything about it.

Here are my symptoms listed in the order in which they suck:

1. Nausea...this is not your normal morning sickness. I am sick from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until I pass out at night time.

2. Bloated.  I look like I'm 6 months baby is the size of a sunflower seed. NOT amused.

3. Emotional.  Don't get me started *sniff*

4. My boobs HURT.  I believe they may just fall off.

5. My hair is FALLING OUT. What is that all about?

6. Acne.....on my back. Last I checked I wasn't 15. So what gives?!

I don't think I am 'glowing' just yet LOL I pretty much look like death every day! But really...I am so happy to feeling this crappy. I know that if I wasn't having these symptoms I'd be worried to death that something was wrong.  I am still worried about it, just because I'm so early and so many things can happen.  But the nausea is keeping me distracted from letting my mind wander to all those scary thoughts! I can't wait to see how much this baby has grown. My next appt is on the 18th, and I am hoping this next week flies by.

1 comment:

  1. I love you lady, and I am SO STOKED that you're pregnant, but I am sorry it's so hard right now. I won't bore you with the "what i'd give to be in your shoes" or "the sicker you are the more you know you're pregnant" speeches, i think the first is selfish and stupid and the second is generally not helpful.I will say though that I am sorry it sucks so much right now. That I will pray it gets easier, that the nausea subsides, that you feel beautiful in your prego state, and that this pregnancy is one of intense joy for you. my prayer is that you will look bakc on this pregnancy with intense joy. And I'll say... God is faithful. He is. He is faithful. He is good. He is FOR YOU!! And He is growing a little life in there, and He will help you through the hard times. He loves you. I love you. :)
