Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm Trusting.

It has been such a roller coaster of a day. I have been so nauseated all day.  I had my first ultrasound for this pregnancy.  I should be elated.  And I am happy. I got to get a glimpse at the little life that is growing inside of me. I was so blessed to see a tiny little flickering heartbeat.  It was tiny, but gives me so much hope.  With each pregnancy I worry about the very real possibility of miscarriage.  Once you have been down that path it's hard not to worry.  It's even harder when you have done it twice.  Seeing the heartbeat does ease my mind a lot. I am trying my hardest not to let my mind wander.  My baby is tiny. Much smaller than I thought it would be. I should have been 6 weeks and 1 day but the computer wouldn't even give an estimate.  I am hoping that I am just earlier than I thought.  I get to go back in a couple of weeks and have another ultrasound. I know my God is able to do mighty things.

Here on the potter's wheel, 
I find myself once more, 
My faults and frailties Bring me here just like before, 
With strong and loving hands The pressure is applied, 
Oft times I tremble as He puts me thru the fire
 I'll trust the potter's hands, He knows what's best for me, 
He has a perfect plan These human eyes can't see, 
He's the potter; I'm the clay, 
He knows just how much I can take,
 When I face the fire again I'll trust the potter's hands

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