Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sleep....Who Needs That?!

That is pretty much my 6 year olds philsophy.  He just simply does not require a lot of sleep to function. You would think that after 6 years that I would be used to this craziness. But I am not. I really REALLY require sleep to even begin to function in society.  And I am a really bad mom when I don't get it.

On the nights my kid gets me up at 2,3 or 4am I turn on Spongebob *gasp* and I allow him to eat and do whatever he wants....just as long as he lets me snooze on the couch and promises to only wake me up if there is a fire. Yep, slacker mom of the year. But honestly, I wish I had like $1 for every time someone asks why I just don't 'make him go back to sleep.'

Bwahahahahaha...did you know that without having an antesieologist in my is actually impossible to force another human being back to sleep?  I am sure there are some other methods used by criminals...but I am just a mom. The strongest substance I would use is benedryl.  And I have my reservations about that.  So instead, I try to get him to lay back down and 99% of the time that fails and I give into spongebob and food.

It is really unfair. Not only do I deal with the chaos during the awake hours of the day that comes with raising a child with ADHD and Aspergers. But I also get this awesome little gift. Because did you know that this crap is actually NORMAL for kids with both ADHD and Aspergers?! Eli's brain actually does not make enough melatonin like mine. Which only makes me feel worse when I lose my cool with him at 4 am. Because it really isn't something that he can control.

And that just makes me upset. My kid didn't ask for all of this. He didn't ask to have ADHD or Aspergers.  It is frustrating to see him struggle with every day things, but even more so that it effects something so simple as his sleep.  I know that one day this will not be that important.  When he is grown I probably will not remember the nights he kept me up....all friggin night. Instead I will remember all the challenges he overcame. 

So I guess I will just turn Spongebob on and give him the bowl of Halloween candy, so I can go to sleep!!

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