Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Summer is Upon Us!

I took a hiatus from blogging it seems. Completely unintentional. Life has just kept me busy. It is rare that I am at home sitting at my laptop. I have been living out of my car doing drop offs, pickups, dentist appointments, etc. It is that magical time of year when all the kids are getting out of school and I start to panic. My kids are going to be home every day. All of them. And this is my first summer with 3. 2 bored kids at home was rough last summer. So this should be interesting.

With that said, I am ready for them to get a break from school. They both have worked hard this year. Zack has made some great strides in his writing skills. I am so proud of that boy. If I could just rewind 2 years ago and post a short clip here you would be as amazed as I am at how far he has came. Zack graduated Preschool a couple of days ago, and was such a cutie in his little cap and gown. It was really awesome to have the experience of watching him up on stage with his friends. Eli always had a hard time with things like that, so this was brand new for me. I loved every minute. I tried to soak it in as much as I could. Warren was wiggly and fussy during the program, but we managed like we always do.

Eli has had such a great year in 1st grade. He is such a bright kiddo. He loves to learn and spends his down time at home researching things. He has such a love of knowledge. I hope that continues and I hope the stresses at school do not take away his love of learning. But I can tell that he is agitated and ready for some days spent in his comfort home. He is really getting into sports, not playing them so much, but just liking to talk about them.  He came home from school the other day and was so excited telling me about playing soccer with some friends at school. He got really into it and was passionate giving me details of what happened! He ended it with saying 'It was AWESOME.'  I felt my heart jump a little. I was happy to hear that he was playing with other kids. That other kids let him play with them without the taunting and bullying. But before that feeling could sink in he said 'It would have been REALLY awesome if they would let me kick the ball...just once.'  And there it was...the kick in the stomach. The same one I felt when I enrolled him in art last summer only to have the teacher call me after 1 class and tell me that he couldn't attend unless I stayed in there with him because he was too energetic and wanted to touch everything. These kicks absolutely shatter my heart for my baby. I wish the world could see him the way I see him. Yes, he is challenging and rigid. But he is also one of the sweetest kids on the planet.

So, I am ready for him to be home for a bit. I am planning on keeping us pretty busy though. Because Warren seems to do better when we are on the go. He gets pretty bored sitting at home. He is growing up so fast. I just love this baby. He is content and happy. I love his demeanor. He is fascinated by his brothers and love when they talk to him. He loves for people to smile at him. It just makes his whole face break out in a large grin. He is such a blessing in our house. I could not be happier with my little family. We are complete. I love that feeling. The feeling that we are all here and we can watch our kids grow and enjoy this season.

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