Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2nd Trimester Awesomeness

I LOVE being in the 2nd trimester.  It's my favorite part of pregnancy. After months of being so sick that I wanted to just quit life in general, this new fun part of pregnancy is very much welcomed.  But I admit that I am one LAZY pregnant person.  And I will tell you why. This is my last pregnancy.  As much as I know that I am done after this little guy gets here, there is something bittersweet about knowing I'll never experience this again.  So while there is laundry to do, toys to be picked up, messes to be cleaned, when I sit down and start feeling little kicks and movements...I just sit and enjoy it.  I may sit for 15 minutes or an hour.  Because in 16 short weeks I will be holding a baby and I'll never get to feel this again.

I know I should probably be doing so much more with my time, but it can wait.  I'm enjoying this amazing little baby moving inside of me.  I'll vacuum in the morning...

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