Friday, May 23, 2014

Welcome to the Club.

I've shared this on my facebook once or twice. But I thought it would be great to share on here as well.  Enjoy...and try not to cry ;) For those of us walking this walk with our can feel overwhelming at times but it will be OK. For both of my boys..

My Aspie who insists on wearing green. <3

And my Zack who surprised every speech therapist and teacher who has worked with him.

They are my everything. They are teaching me to celebrate all victories no matter how small they may seem!

Welcome to the Club
 by Jess at Diary of a Mom

I am so sorry for your pain.

Don’t worry; no one else sees it, I promise. To the rest of the world, you’re fine. But when you’ve been there, you can’t miss it.

I see it in your eyes. That awful, combustible mixture of heart-wrenching pain and abject fear.... I remember the fear.

I see it in the weight of that invisible cloak that you wear. I remember the coarseness of its fabric on my skin. Like raw wool in the middle of the desert. You see, it was mine for a time.

I never would have wanted to pass it on to you, my love. I remember so well suffocating under the weight of it, struggling for breath, fighting to throw it off while wrapping myself in its awful warmth, clutching its worn edges for dear life.

I know that it feels like it’s permanent, fixed. But one day down the line you will wake up and find that you’ve left it next to the bed. Eventually, you’ll hang it in the closet. You’ll visit it now and then. You’ll try it on for size. You’ll run your fingers over the fabric and remember when you lived in it, when it was constant, when you couldn’t take it off and leave it behind. But soon days will go by before you wear it again, then weeks, then months.

I know you are staring down what looks to be an impossibly steep learning curve. I know it looks like an immovable mountain. It is not. I know you don’t believe me, but step by step you will climb until suddenly, without warning, you will look down. You will see how far you’ve come. You’ll breathe. I promise. You might even be able to take in the view.

You will doubt yourself. You won’t trust your instincts right away. You will be afraid that you don’t have the capacity to be what your baby will need you to be. Worse, you’ll think that you don’t even know what she needs you to be. You do. I promise. You will.

When you became a mother, you held that tiny baby girl in your arms and in an instant, she filled your heart. You were overwhelmed with love. The kind of love you never expected. The kind that knocks the wind out of you. The kind of all encompassing love that you think couldn’t possibly leave room for any other. But it did.

When your son was born, you looked into those big blue eyes and he crawled right into your heart. He made room for himself, didn’t he? He carved out a space all his own. Suddenly your heart was just bigger. And then again when your youngest was born. She made herself right at home there too.

That’s how it happens. When you need capacity you find it. Your heart expands. It just does. It’s elastic. I promise.

You are so much stronger than you think you are. Trust me. I know you.... I am you.

You will find people in your life who get it and some that don’t. You’ll find some that want to get it and some that never will. You’ll find a closeness with people you never thought you had anything in common with. You’ll find comfort and relief with friends who speak your new language. You’ll find your village.

You’ll change. One day you’ll notice a shift. You’ll realize that certain words have dropped out of your lexicon. The ones you hadn’t ever thought could be hurtful. Dude, that’s retarded. Never again. You won’t laugh at vulnerability. You’ll see the world through a lens of sensitivity. The people around you will notice. You’ll change them too.

You will learn to ask for help. You’ll have to. It won’t be easy. You’ll forget sometimes. Life will remind you.

You will read more than you can process. You’ll buy books that you can’t handle reading. You’ll feel guilty that they’re sitting by the side of the bed unopened. Take small bites. The information isn’t going anywhere. Let your heart heal. It will. Breathe. You can.

You will blame yourself. You’ll think you missed signs you should have seen. You’ll be convinced that you should have known. That you should have somehow gotten help earlier. You couldn’t have known. Don’t let yourself live there for long.

You will dig deep and find reserves of energy you never would have believed you had. You will run on adrenaline and crash into dreamless sleep. But you will come through it. I swear, you will. You will find a rhythm.

You will neglect yourself. You will suddenly realize that you haven’t stopped moving. You’ve missed the gym. You’ve taken care of everyone but you. You will forget how important it is to take care of yourself. Listen to me. If you hear nothing else, hear this. You MUST take care of yourself. You are no use to anyone unless you are healthy. I mean that holistically, my friend. HEALTHY. Nourished, rested, soul-fed. Your children deserve that example.

A friend will force you to take a walk. You will go outside. You will look at the sky. Follow the clouds upward. Try to find where they end. You’ll need that. You’ll need the air. You’ll need to remember how small we all really are.

You will question your faith. Or find it. Maybe both.

You will never, ever take progress for granted. Every milestone met, no matter what the timing, will be cause for celebration. Every baby step will be a quantum leap. You will find the people who understand that. You will revel in their support and love and shared excitement.

You will encounter people who care for your child in ways that restore your faith in humanity. You will cherish the teachers and therapists and caregivers who see past your child’s challenges and who truly understand her strengths. They will feel like family.

You will examine and re-examine every one of your own insecurities. You will recognize some of your child’s challenges as your own. You will get to know yourself as you get to know your child. You will look to the tools you have used to mitigate your own challenges. You will share them. You will both be better for it.

You will come to understand that there are gifts in all of this. Tolerance, compassion, understanding. Precious, life altering gifts.

You will worry about your other children. You will feel like you’re not giving them enough time. You will find the time. Yes, you will. No, really. You will. You will discover that the time that means something to them is not big. It’s not a trip to the circus. It doesn’t involve planning. It’s free. You will forget the dog and pony shows. Instead, you will find fifteen minutes before bed. You will close the door. You will sit on the floor. You’ll play Barbies with your daughter or Legos with your son. You’ll talk. You’ll listen. You’ll listen some more. You’ll start to believe they’ll be OK. And they will. You will be a better parent for all of it.

You will find the tools that you need. You will take bits and pieces of different theories and practices. You’ll talk to parents and doctors and therapists. You’ll take something from each of them. You’ll even find value in those you don’t agree with at all. Sometimes the most. From the scraps that you gather, you will start to build your child’s quilt. A little of this, a little of that, a lot of love.

You will speak hesitantly at first, but you’ll find your voice. You will come to see that no one knows your child better than you do. You will respectfully listen to the experts in each field. You will value their experience and their knowledge. But you will ultimately remember that while they are the experts in science, you are the expert in your child.

You will think you can’t handle it. You will be wrong.

This is not an easy road, but its rewards are tremendous. It’s joys are the very sweetest of life’s nectar. You will drink them in and taste and smell and feel every last drop of them.

You will be OK.

You will help your sweet girl be far better than OK. You will show her boundless love. She will know that she is accepted and cherished and celebrated for every last morsel of who she is. She will know that her Mama’s there at every turn. She will believe in herself as you believe in her. She will astound you. Over and over and over again. She will teach you far more than you teach her. She will fly.

You will be OK.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

We're ALMOST There...

School is almost is over!!! We have almost survived the first year of actual school! My youngest finished with preschool a couple of weeks ago.  While I am over here doing my happy dance because in a few short days I will no longer have to get up and make a pb&j while I am still half asleep or drop him off wearing yoga pants, unshaven legs and a Johnny Depp t-shirt, I'm also a little terrifed.  I mean they are going to be home ALL.DAY.LONG.  And this isn't just spring break people...its for ALL OF SUMMER.  My husband is excited...he can take the boys to breakfast. *yay* I'm left here all day to entertain them.  It's easy at first..a few trips to the park and bounce house place.  But after about 2 weeks the excitement wears off and I'm too tired to even think about loading them up and heading out somewhere. Let's just stay home and watch Spongebob today...we'll call it Chill Out Thursday!!

But seriously, summer is exciting! I get to sleep in...the kids get to wake up at 6am every day sleep in. We get to go swimming and play outside! I can't wait. But right now we are struggling to make it through this last week!  Yesterday I got an email because my dear sweet child spit on another kid that was teasing him.  I calmly looked him in the eyes and just said 'buddy, we are in the homestretch...we are ALMOST there.  Let's just hold it together this last week. I know the kid was making fun of you, but you still can't spit on him...use our words.'  He got the message. I'm just as exhausted with these kids as he is.  The ones who are nice to him when he brings a cool toy, but never let him play with them on the playground.  The ones who tease him because he isn't as big as they are, or punch him then deny it when the teacher confronts them.  I'm tired of them too.  So I am excited that my kiddo gets however many weeks it is without these kids tormenting him.

He has had a good Kindergarten year.  It hasn't been perfect. I have gotten a few phone calls, emails and letters home.  But for the most's been a really great year.  I wish I could say that I was that super over achiever mom who went to every party and school function.  I'm so not.  I missed the open house for his class, therefore missing ALL the information about the parties. Open house was before school even started and all the parties were already planned and people signed up then to bring food and all. So I heard about the parties in the monthly letter home...after they already happened. <supermom> I also only attended a few school functions.  I barely made it to the Mother's Day Tea, because my invitation somehow was sent to Jeff Gordon.  I'm serious.  The entire class made these over the top elaborate invites to their moms for this tea party thing.  My sweet child never brought mine home. He didn't write 'Mommy' on the outside of the envelope...nope he didn't invite the one person who carried him for 9 long months and let him bounce on my bladder.  He wrote Jeff Gordon on the outside. I still have no idea where that invite went. For all I know he stuck it in the mail box and the mail lady got a good laugh! I found out via text message from one of the moms who DID attend the open house, asking if I was going.  Apparently this Mothers Day thing is a BIG DEAL! So I went...and when I realized all these sweet kids wrote books about their moms and they were going to be read aloud...sheer panic.  I'm not kidding I started sweating. What had he wrote about me?!  He was so excited that I was there, he didn't even notice that Jeff Gordon was absent.  All the other kids wrote these adorable books about how their moms tuck them in every night, read them a story or my personal favorite 'My mom is OSOME.'  <----Yep that's some awesome 6 year old spelling. Dude, it sounds like should be spelled like it. If not for spell checker most of my words would be like that! The teacher had Eli read like at the very know to add to the suspense of what he had put in that book about me. I mean I am sure I was like pale and shaking when he stepped up the microphone. It started out innocent enough.  He said I liked purple....and pink and red.  And that I liked to eat pickles...and then...My mommy LOVES to lay in the bed!  I am sure my face turned 1,000 shades of red. Because what he neglected to add was that 'My mommy has been puking her guts out for 5 months because she is pregnant with my baby brother.'  That would have went nicely after that sentence.

So, we are nearing the end and I kept getting these little green papers home in his folder asking for volunteers for field day. One of the jobs was to pull around a cart full of water for the duration of the day. Um...let me think about that...NO THANKS.  I didn't sign up for anything. And then Eli started talking about field day.  It started out as 'I don't want to go to field day.'  It then quickly escalated to 'I'm NOT GOING to field day!" I asked him why he didn't want to go and he looked at me like I was an idiot, "It's an ENTIRE day of PE, mommy!  It is going to be AWFUL."  I mean I couldn't really argue with him, staying outside in the hot sun running and's not my cup of tea either.  But I tried to make it sound fun, there was going to be inflatables! That didn't really appeal to him, all he kept saying  was 'there's a race they are MAKING ME DO!'  This is where my therapy training kicks in, all the therapists are always giving me tips for him. So, I took a deep breath and told him that we all have to do things that we don't really want to do. It's part of life...and that just sends him into hysterics.  He starts 'PLEASE don't make me go!!! Can't you pick me up!?!'  Well, technically I could after 11:46, but your class is doing the very first half of the day so it wouldn't help.  Lucky for him, he spiked a fever this evening. Field day is tomorrow! He was so excited to be sick, until he actually started feeling really bad once his fever escalated to 101.3.  But he still remained optimistic muttering 'at least I get to miss field day!'  I have to admit I am relieved too.

Bring it on Summer....