Wednesday, December 18, 2013

'Dance With Me!'

My days all pretty much start out the same. I have to drag myself out of bed, after hitting the snooze button on my phone 2 times, then make Eli's breakfast which contains his medications.  I then have to pack his lunch and pick out clothes for both boys.  Somewhere in all the chaos of our mornings I manage to slip away and dress myself and sometimes even put on makeup.  We usually run out the door as I am yelling 'HURRY UP! WE ARE LATE! PUT YOUR SHOES ON! GRAB YOUR COAT, ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE.'  I swear that we will never make it to school on time, but we usually do.

This morning was no different. I didn't really have any time to spare.  I was standing in my closet looking for a shirt to wear when I heard the bathroom door slide open.  There I stood in a pair of jeans and a bra, and Zack came busting in.  "DANCE with ME Mommy!!' he yelled.  I almost scolded him for interrupting my few moments of solitude on this Wednesday morning.  Until I saw his big smile.  He was so excited.  I grabbed his hands and we wobbled back and forth while he laughed.  Those few seconds were precious.  He didn't care that I was half dressed and my muffin top stomach was over the top of my jeans.  he was just happy to dance with his mommy.  For a few seconds time stopped.  A little boy, with a chocolate pudding covered face, lit up my morning.  These little bits of spontaneity are what make worth it all.  If it wasn't for moments like that I might just quit.  But these keep me going.  After we finished our wobbly waltz and said 'I LOVE YOU MOMMY! Your my Princess!'

This is what life is.  This is what matters. Not how clean our houses are or how crafty of a pinterest mom we can be.  It doesn't even matter if you can make your elf do some elaborate magic trick.  It matters that we take the little moments that our kids give us and we indulge in them.  Was I running behind this morning? Yes.  My first instinct was to shoo him out of my closet and scold him for coming in the bathroom without knocking.  I am so glad I stopped myself and enjoyed a little moment with him.  We weren't even late getting to school.

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