Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Move

So, if you follow me on Facebook, then you know that we moved from the wonderful city of Spruce Pine, NC to Piney Flats, TN.  We moved a little over a year ago, and well it was an adjustment. Our house in NC was kind of off to itself and we had a huge front yard, and a fenced in back yard. I really liked it. No neighbors to worry about and no one could really see our house from any kind of public road at all. I felt safe.  Now, we live in a subdivision right off the road. It has been hard to get used to the fact that if I walk outside in my pjs...everyone can SEE me. And then I get all nervous if the kids are outside playing.  I have to constantly check on them because we are close to the road and I worry about psychos picking them up.  We just recently got new neighbors. We haven't had any up until now. This is a brand spankin' new subdivision and we were the first house here! We still have yet to meet any of these neighbors, mainly because I'm afraid of looking like a dork with a basket of baked goods.  And well, the fact that our kids have been germy for about 4 weeks now. First it was some horrible cold, and now it's hand, foot and mouth! But all things considered, I love living in a larger city.

There are a few things I enjoy the most about living here, I will list them!

-The Mall

Ummm...hello! Before I had to plan an ENTIRE day to get my shopping fix! Now, it's like a 10 min drive! SCORE!


I'll just say that I'm packing an extra 20 lbs. since our move! Yummy!


There are so many schools here! Just having something to pick from for my boys made me feel better!


We found an amazing church to attend. We love it, the kids love it. It's been a great fit. We haven't officially joined yet, but we will soon.


It is so nice to actually make plans with people and do something. We have had so many play dates for the kiddos. It is pretty awesome to have a convo with someone over the age of 6 every now and then...

-Being 'Unknown'

This has to be my favorite. I grew up in such a small town, where everyone knew you. I enjoy not being known...or gossiped about.

Yep, I'm adjusting to this move.  It took a while. Some days I still like to just stay home in my pjs and do nothing, but most of the time I am out picking up my chai latte from Starbucks, and picking my boys up from school. :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bittersweet...Well Mostly Just SWEET!

I have to post about this. It may seem like something so simple, or silly. But I was brought to tears this morning when dropping Eli off at school.  Now, I admit that I am pretty emotional these days. It does not take much to make these eyes tear up.  But anyways, I was walking Eli into school this morning. We were walking pretty fast, trying to beat that bell.  When he spotted a group of little boys trotting in the same direction that we were walking. He perked up and said 'HEY GUYS!!'  He turned to me and said 'those are some of my friends'. He grabbed his lunch box out of my hand, the same one that he says is way too heavy to carry himself, and ran off to join his little friends.

I had to holler at him to get a good bye and for him to grab his snack. I posted on my facebook that it was a 'bittersweet moment'. He was completely fine leaving me in the hallway, alone. He was happy to walk WITH his friends to class without me.  And at first it stung my eyes for the wrong reasons, he's growing up...he doesn't need me anymore. But then as I watched him walk with these little boys, it hit me...he HAS FRIENDS.  Something he struggled so much with in preschool. He is not running around these kids making crazy noises.  He was acting appropriately and they accepted him.  It was one of those moments that hit me like a rock.  All the things I wanted for him in the past year...this was one of them. I wanted friendships for him. I wanted him to fit in with his peers. I wanted him to be accepted. And although this was one morning and he may have struggles later in the year, this just made my day. It made me feel confident that we have made the right choices for him.

While some may disagree with our decisions to put him in several therapies, or our choice to use medications for him.  I know in my heart we have done everything we could do at this point.  He is not a zombie on his medication. In fact, he is finally able to stay on task and focus on the things that he enjoys. He is able to sit down and draw pictures, that before he couldn't. I wish everyone could see the difference in him.  It's amazing to sit down with him and read a book. It's something that for a long time was a distant memory of when he was a toddler. He was unable to sit for any length of time in the past 3 years. He is able to go to the playroom and play legos for as long as he likes, because he is finally able to sit down and focus on the pieces and how they fit together.  He is finally able to sit at a desk in school and focus on the task at hand.  Our choice to try medications for him was far from easy. I struggled with it for months before I mustered up the courage to suggest it to my husband. I hid behind my husband when we finally told his grandparents that we had put their precious grandson on medication. But now I am not afraid to tell anyone, because for our family, for our son it was the right choice. And today reaffirmed that for me. Watching him walk into class with friends is a dream I have had for him and it came true today! What a blessing!